an uninflated toy balloon causes it to release heat and
become hot. Allowing it to contract causes it to absorb heat
and become cool. The cooling is particularly striking and surprising.
[Incidentally John Gough in 1802 tried to rationalize this in
terms of there being less room in the stretched rubber for heat - which
he regarded as caloric, a material fluid. This was
a good, imaginative idea, although wrong.]
One might
have thought that allowing the molecules to regain their natural shape
would result in a release of heat as they achieve lower internal
energy. In fact the opposite is the case. The molecules have
lower internal energy (that is they lie in deeper, narrower
potential energy minima) in the stretched balloon
than in the relaxed one!
Of course free energy must
fall in a spontaneous process like relaxation of the stretched balloon.
drives contraction must be an increase in entropy, large enough to
overwhelm the increase in internal energy. For the isolated (adiabatic)
balloon the source of the increased internal energy is the vibration
that represents heat, so the sample cools.
The structural
rationale is clear. The stretched form is low in energy for
two reasons:
Extending the chain converts gauche conformations
to anti ones, which are lower in energy.
packing. The extended chains can pack more tightly together
and give local crystallization, which dominates the lowering of energy and occurs as the stretching reaches its limit.
Of course the
stretched form is also low in entropy, since it is so highly
ordered both in terms of conformation and in terms of packing.
of stretched rubber (and of other important biological or artificial
polymers) belongs to the class of spontaneous processes that offend a
chemist's intuition by absorbing, rather than releasing, heat. All of
these processes, which include evaporation of a liquid, expansion of a
gas, and dissolution of many solids, are driven by entropy.
stretching a metal spring, where deformation increases the internal
energy, does not release heat. This is a normal case dominated
by internal energy rather than by entropy.